Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Coffee and a Muffin

Today started out with the most wonderful surprise. Debbie showed up at my client's site and brought me a coffee and a muffin. And then she said, "I am proud of you."

That one phrase and that one act was one of the best gifts I have received in a very, very long time. I have told three men about it several times today, almost bragging.

My wife is proud of me.

Pro 18:22 NKJV - [He who] finds a wife finds a good [thing], And obtains favor from the LORD.

Thank you, Debbie! I love you.



  1. That is so sweet!! We're praying for you about the job!!

  2. That's the Debbie I've known for 35 years! You both amaze me! Love and hugs to everyone. Party soon, OK?
