Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Up, Chuck and Run

Ever have one of those days? You know, the kind where you want to rise up, chuck it all and run?

It's been another one of those days for us. Debbie and I spent the day vainly trying to find work, sadly trying to go through the five tons of stuff we own to sell at the big garage sale and gropingly trying to investigate every option into keeping our house. My stomach hurt I was so unhappy today. And it hurt yesterday too, coupled with an inability to focus and the memory of a gnat.

OK. So I'm stressed. And I keep banging my head against a job search wall that's not budging.

In my ministry presentations I sometimes talk about changing one's point-of-view. Sir Isaac Newton (so the story goes) made the intuitive leap in understanding gravity when an apple conked him on the head. Archimedes suddenly solved a great problem in hydro-dynamics and volume when he slipped into a hot bath tub. Christopher Columbus suddenly understood the world was round when he observed a butterfly traversing an orange.

In each case, the victim's (err...person's) point-of-view changed just slightly in order to produce dramatic effects. Their world view was transformed in an instant, just by looking at a problem differently.

I'm looking for the POV shift now. I get this gnawing feeling in the pit of my spirit that if I just look at our situation just a tad differently and let God show me what He's been trying to show me for so long He'll be able to deliver the promised miracle I believe He has for us in a job, in a living situation and in our hearts.

While 90% of me is ready to rise up, chuck it all and run, there is that still, small voice which tells me to be patient, to be hopeful and to remain steadfast for His deliverance. That's not hopeless optimism. It is hope-filled faith. And frankly, it's His faith not mine because I'd rather grab on to the whopping 90% of fear I am familiar with and forget about the 10% small voice.

1Ki 19:11 NKJV - Then He said, "Go out, and stand on the mountain before the LORD." And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, [but] the LORD [was] not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, [but] the LORD [was] not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, [but] the LORD [was] not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.

I encourage you to listen to that still small voice. He knows what He's talking about.



  1. Again... my comment remains the same 'powerful'.
    This blog was very interesting...never thought of it like you just put it. And, interestingly enough there was a little bit of pain involved in the profound life changing knowledge these men stumbled on....getting bonked on the head, slipping in the tub... fear, a little pain and a moment of panic changed the world.

    I've heard this all my life and its always proved to be true although I never wanted it to be. And that is that God won't let you fall but you sure may be at the end of that rope before He suddenly pulls you up. I sure don't like getting to the end of the rope and I gripe about it at times but, its at the end of my rope when God changes things in ways I could of never imagined or even hoped for or dreamed of. I keep looking for Him to do things the way I understand they need them to be and then He comes in by storm and not only changes everything I've been needing but also in unimaginable ways so far greater than I could of seen.
    Its a tough economic world out there right now but the one thing you have that many others don't is God. NOTHING can stop you. Keep doing what your doing and stand back and wait for that door to open.

  2. Hi I'm new to your blog. This post was very encouraging to me and now I'm looking for the pov shift. Would it be alright with you if I posted a link to this post on my facebook page? There are a lot of people that I'm friends with that would also be encouraged by this post. Thanks!
    Jenn in OK
