Monday, July 13, 2009

As sparks fly upward

Just when I have another person say, "Jack, your life is so difficult!", I find someone else who makes my troubles pale in comparison. Or at least I think they do.

Granted: 1) I am having difficulty keeping my house; 2) I have not worked but 8 months in 3 years; 3) Debbie had breast cancer and continues with nasty treatments which wreak havoc on her body and spirits; 4) I had 6 days of meningitis during the worst part of this trip; 5) government programs to help us have failed utterly; 6) etc., etc., etc.

My point is, who am I to complain?

Should I complain more than my brother-in-Christ who has lived in his auto for 4 years yet still praises God by saying he is simply living comfortably and within his means? Perhaps I should compare myself against the sister-in-Christ who gave birth to her boy but could not hold him because of clot-like issues (an AVM) suddenly developing in her brain and her losing sight in one eye (yet she still believes in the power of prayer)? Maybe I should compare myself to my good friend who has suffered pressing business difficulties and hospitalized family members and wakes up early in the morning to a flooded house (and yet he still finds the heart to help me and my family).

Job 5:7 NKJV - is born to trouble, As the sparks fly upward.

God only gives us the burdens we can bear. He does not tempt us beyond what we are able to resist! Each of my friends described above has extremely difficult giants to face; yet each one is pressing on and doing what is right and expressing love in different ways.

I honestly don't think I could take the other's problems, just as they have expressed the same towards me. God is watching each of us in each of our circumstances. Sometimes He causes them and sometimes He simply allows them to happen. But at all times His question is, "Will my child turn to me for help?"

Please. Turn to God for help. [Psa 116:2 NKJV] - Because He has inclined His ear to me, Therefore I will call [upon Him] as long as I live.

He leans forward, bending His ear to hear the words, "I need you, God."