Monday, November 16, 2009

Good Food

Have you ever savored a plate of food? I mean just sat there with your eyes rolling in your head, closing your eyes and concentrating on each morsel in your mouth?

I have. I did it the other day during lunch at work. If anyone saw me, they probably thought I was nuts, with my little yummy noises and rolling eyes and such.

Heck. Let 'em talk!

Jesus once said, Jhn 4:32 NKJV - ... "I have food to eat of which you do not know." Jesus' food was His Father's will. And I've got God's will available to me as well.

All through the day, when my tasks require concentration, multi-tasking and wading through, and when I get panicky that I'm not smart enough, I turn my chair 90 degrees and just take 30 seconds to read another Proverb from the open Bible on my credenza.

And bam! My Spiritual eyes roll up in my head while my soul makes yummy noises. Every bite becomes a feast of delight. For the tidbits that don't make sense at the moment, I store them in my heart. And then a verse later, God spoon feeds me what I need at that very moment. Instantly I have peace and clarity.

How joyous! How scrumptious! God's Word is a feast to be eaten throughout a too-busy work day.

I don't throw my Bible at people at work, but it is quietly available to me throughout the day. And I can't tell you the thrill of holding it for a moment in anticipation of the next great morsel.

I'm learning not to leave God at home, that He wants to spoon feed me gourmet meals all day long. And He is blessing me for letting Him be available to me all day.

I'm not wacky, say what you want. I have food I hope you know of!

Chef in Training,


  1. Jack, this is probably my favorite posting yet! I get all goosebumply reading this! I cannot believe you get to have a Bible on your desk! On TOP of your desk! And OPEN!@!! Sheesh, where are you living, America????

    Having 'worked' for the government for ever and a zillion and one days, (yet, grateful for each and every lesson and dollar earned therein), I was never afforded that luxury. We couldn't even put up Christmas decorations per the last zany director we had. Heck, we couldn't even put up a quilt on the wall for fear we would "make the clients too comfortable" as they waited to apply for welfare at probably the worst time in their lives. But here you are, at God's grace and mercy, in a terrific job with terrific people and the terrific opportunity to fill the air of yet one ore of your daily environments with God's word and spririt.

    You're one lucky (aka blessed) dude. And cute as a button as well!

    Respectfully and completely objectively,


    As in your sister, Susan. Oh, well, cover blown.

  2. I agree with Susan, wonderful post. !!!!! And good point... lucky ducky getting to take your Bible to work, I don't even think Kindergartners get to do that at school or atleast I don't think they can bring it out into the open but I could be wrong. :)
